Our Prayer Life
School prayers
At Endsleigh, we pray together several times a day, including the beginning and the end of the day and at lunchtime. Our children, however, recognise that we can pray at any time and know that God is always listening. You will also find special Prayer Stops positioned as you walk around the school inviting those who pass by to pause and spend a moment in prayer. In the Autumn term, we had a wonderful Prayer Day led by our chaplaincy team which showed the children different ways to pray.
Endsleigh Holy Child V.C. Academy prayers
Prayer at other times.
Rosary Club
Our Mini Vinnies running our weekly Rosary Club every Friday. Here they lead our younger children in prayer, explaining the meaning of the Rosary and helping them with the words of our prayers.
At home
We encourage family prayer through the Travelling Crib at Advent and the Travelling Cross during Lent, allowing our children to share the great stories of Christmas and Easter with their families and loved ones.
Staff Prayers
Each Friday, staff come together for a special time of prayer and reflection which is led by a different member of staff each week.
This Lent, we created a Lenten prayer tree which reminded us of the importance of praying for those around us who help us, care for us or who are in need. We thought beyond our community to encompass people all around the world in our thoughts and prayers.