About Us
Endsleigh Holy Child Voluntary Catholic Academy is part of the St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Academy Trust and the family of Hull Catholic Schools.
Our school is a vibrant, culturally diverse, inclusive and friendly academy located in the heart of Hull and serves our local churches of St Anthony's & the Marist parish.
We strive to accept the mission of Jesus in everything we do - to love, learn and share everyday.

Staff at Endsleigh Holy Child are invested in providing a rich and broad curriculum that captures children attention, motivates and challenges them across all areas of learning. Children benefit from developed strong links with local sports clubs and are offered a wide range of sporting opportunities at all levels of participation.
““It’s all about helping people and bringing joy to the school. We try and keep children happy from entering school to the end of the day. We share the children’s thoughts with the adults in school.””